Well, we've made it to week 12! Exhausted as I type...trying hard to recall the ups and downs of the week...Let's just start with this morning. Briar made it through the night without soiling his bedding. It seems; however, he's not consistently able to achieve this every night. Also, should he hear either of us wake up at some point in the night, he cries and barks. We simply allow him to bark it off and go back to sleep on his own, but the added sleep disruption has been hard on us.
We learned Briar doesn't like the rain so much. If it's raining outside, he'd rather find a room to pee in! If we insist he go outside he pees right outside the back door on the concrete hoping not to have to make it out into the wet grass. Yesterday, he found the only dry area on the deck and peed there! He walked along the perimeter of the deck under the awning and peed! Goofy dog! I'm not really complaining...I dry dog coming back in the house = a cleaner house! I'm sure in time, he'll get used to it and run in the wet grass.
Briar is a very sneaky little pup. I know exactly when he's got something he shouldn't have by the way he excitedly runs through the house with his new little "find" in his mouth. Typically, it's a rolled up sock he thieved out of the hamper or underwear left outside the shower. It is quite funny but tiresome all the same. He really loves to sneak a slipper to his bed and roll on it and get ready to chew into it - luckily, we are right there to stop him! I'll be happy when he outgrows this chew stage...he wants to chew the legs of furniture, corners of baseboards, edges of area rugs...that's why it is key to keep him under supervision at all times. One minute he can be right at your feet and the next in another room trying to get into something! He does keep us on our toes, that's for sure.
Briar is still the size where he can fit under the bed and sofa. It has become a game for Briar to dash under things and get as far away from reach as possible and bark and exert his inner self. It is very funny (and annoying), and it can wear you out when he's doing it during inopportune times. We laugh and know that it's just a matter of time before this little hideaway will no longer be his - I'm sure one day we will see him wedged half way wondering why he can't squeeze under things anymore, lol!
How's Basil? Well, Basil simply tolerates Briar. He certainly does not want to be touched by him or played with. He does like to watch him, tease him with his prominent tail, and run very fast past him to get a reaction! Briar, for the most part, is very good at leaving him alone and letting Basil be Basil without getting into his business. Once in a while, he can't help himself and Basil will warn him with a very loud HISSSS! I don't really blame Basil since right now, Briar is a crazy mess when he's running around flopping around and mouthing everything unpredictably. Looks so unrefined to the cat, I'm sure.
Briar is mostly hyper and spastic in the mornings and evenings. During the day, he is much more mild mannered and easier to train. Each day gets a little easier but we still are completely worn out by the end of each day. It's funny how this little pup infused this home with constant action. He's a good little pup, though and we wouldn't have it any other way.
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