Yesterday, I took off my sneakers and put my socks within the shoes just in case I needed to quickly put them on again. Next thing you know, Briar has a sock in his mouth running around like a goof ball and then the phone rings...I get the phone...forget he had the sock and moved on. Then...I went to get my shoes and find both socks missing and NO where to be found. I think....he ate them. :(
Why would I conclude he ate them?? Well, here are some hints and clues: I found remnants of my underwear on the lawn where he does his business. He also coughed up a whole pair right in front of me after his breakfast. Briarrrrr!!!!!! And...I found a pair on his bed. Geez...I better not have anyone over or surely I'll be mortified.
"Oh goodness...he's just a pup", I tell myself sipping on some pinot. "You'll miss this when he's an adult"...I console myself. But for now - he's a mess! lol!
I think back on my beloved Buddy and try to remember if he used to do this - and of course he did...and of course I miss him and I miss everything about him. With that thought and my fond memories of my beloved Buddy - I giggle and hug my little wily guy. Why not? Life is short - drink pinot and hide your socks and underwear!
The story of integrating a new goldendoodle pup with the family cat...let the adventures begin!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Briar's 5 months old!
Time flies when you are raising a puppy! Briar is such a good boy - he has really grown into a beautiful well adjusted pup. He and Basil co-exist with no trouble at all. Briar comes to work with me anytime I can take him. He travels so well in the car - it's so easy. He is very smart and observant, too.
Briar's about 50 lbs now...last time we were at the vet he was 43 lbs and that was weeks ago. I used to be able to carry him, but when I try to now I can really only carry him for a minute tops! Briar loves being outdoors with us while we garden - he loves piles of soil, digging his nose in the soil, running with garden tools in his mouth and loves to play chase. He is a very lively pup that observes and notes everything. Set something risk losing it to Briar's trickery.
Briar's favorite pastimes, chewing his pig ears, his squeaky toys, running, jumping, lounging while we watch TV, and rolling on his back for belling rubs. He's adorable and tends to have a smile on his face. His hair still sheds and we are hoping as his baby hair sheds his newer tighter curled hair will shed less. The curliest part of his fur is on his back nearest his tail...the curls are so dense!
Briar reminds me of a fun loving sesame street character - just a great fun friend to have around. He lightens up any mood and reminds us not to take life so seriously.
I'm eager to see how big he'll get - he seems to have a lot of growing into his paws to do! His paws are very wide and big. He has perfect teeth - they are perfectly straight, aligned and white! His chompers get complimented during vet visits, too.
He still tests me when he has his leash on and over time we will get better on the leash - but for now I'm enjoying him being a puppy...especially when I look back at his pictures and see how fast he's growing up and how fast time flies!
Basil celebrated his 2nd birthday at the end of March. The comfort level between the two is increasing as time goes by. Life is good in the Basil and Briar house :)
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