Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Friendship On The Horizon

Basil and Briar are getting along so much better since they first met two weeks ago. I guess it is true, give the cat a couple weeks to adjust and they may just become best friends. Here's hoping!

Today, as I sat in the living room, I turned around when I heard something fall off the counter top in the kitchen. I saw Basil on top of the counter looking down at Briar as he just swatted down the top of a Champagne cork to the floor to see Briar's reaction. Of course, Briar loved it! I had to take it away of course and replace it with another toy...but, wow! Progress! Here's teamwork between the two...should I be nervous? Are they going to conspire against me and work the system to their benefit? Lol!

I'm just relieved to see them getting along rather than fearful of each other. Basil is such a good brother. When Briar cries, Basil is there to watch him. It seems to work because when Basil goes to Briar...Briar stops crying. They love sharing treats, too. I'm telling you - offering treats one at a time while soothing them really works in sending the message "good things happen when the other is near". Now, they take naps within a foot of each other...not touching yet...but this is progress, for sure!

I only look forward to turning around one day and seeing them curled up next to each other. Ahhh...what a great day that will be!

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